Build credit with your rent payments
Improve your credit profile by report current and past rent payments to the credit bureaus
Why people love Slice
How it works
Enroll in 2 minutes and let Slice do all the work
Enroll in 2 minutes
It's simple. Applications take less than 2 minutes to submit. We will ask you for basic information to verify your identity.
See impact in 10 days
Sit back and relax. The Boost team will do all the work behind the scenes to verify and report your rent payments.
No landlords required
We sync to your bank transactions and do not need to contact your landlord.
No hard or soft credit pull
Enrolling never requires a credit pull that could negatively impact you.
Positive payments only
Slice only reports positive payments. Delinquent payments aren't reported.
Trusted by the world’s best financial partners
Get StartedSlice offers affordable pricing
Report ongoing payments
per month
24/7 support
Dedicated reporting agent
Boost credit
Free credit monitoring
Cancel anytime
Report past payments
24 months of past payments
Largest immediate credit impact
Recommended for
Maximum credit boost
Bank-level encryption
Sign up in 2 minutes
Choose both options to maximize your credit impact. A one-time $10 enrollment fee is required to cover verification costs.
Achieve your financial objectives
Slice Boost can help you save interest on major loans and give you an edge to pass screenings or applications that use credit scores.
Establishing credit
Reporting rent payments can help consumers who have either no credit or a thin credit file, establish a credit score for the first time.
Rental screening
Your credit score is a critical variable landlords look at when determining who to rent to.
Auto loan
Looking to improve your auto loan application? Rent reporting can help you receive better terms.
Personal loan
Your credit score is a key variable that lenders consider for short-term personal and installment loans. Put your best foot forward by reporting rent.
A high credit score can make the difference between low and high interest rates. Some lenders use rent reporting to improve your terms.
Boost your credit today!
Choose both options to maximize your credit impact. A one-time $10 enrollment fee is required to cover verification costs.